Entries in travel (1)


san francisco

Stopping into La Boulange for cafe au lait on my walk to "work" this past week was the highlight of being in San Francisco and staying in the city. I've always been fascinated with city life and loved the concept of walking to work, especially in a clean and nostalgic city like San Fran. I was lucky enough to attend a conference there for work this past week and enjoyed the break from Los Angeles, driving, and sitting in an office all day. Working in a different environment and learning about my craft always restores me a bit.

The Cable Buses. The joy of public transportation. Seriously. I love it. Low cost, city immersion & it's much easier to multi-task when someone else is driving ...

The Wharf. If the clam chowder or crab doesn't draw you, then the sea inspired restaurants, docks and views should.

The Trollies. There are some cities where you go and you're better off not doing anything "touristy" and there are others where you are better off doing everything "touristy." Luckily, San Fran melds the two together nicely. Trollies are practical and a must whether you want to be a tourist or not. And really, who doesn't want to ride on a trolly? (I'm five when it comes to things like this.)