forever // state of thankfulness: day five
Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 12:00AM
Jenna Lyndsay in spiritual formation, state of thankfulness, thankfulness, thanksgiving

Grateful. Love. Kindness. Joy. Things of this season.

The bow-tying, fancy wrapping, mall-speed walking, rush through parties time of year.

On this Black Friday with advertisements galore, lines like it’s the zoo and circus-oriented theatrics of children in a toy store, take a minute to slow. breathe. To remember yesterday, or at least the name — thanksgiving. And may we give thanks.

For what we have before we buy. The time we have before it’s filled. The love, kindness and joy that brings the warmth of the holiday season to mind.

So before we forget about yesterday and these lists of thank yous, gratitude and gratefulness we’ve been thinking about for the last few to twenty days, may we remember that this is more than just a day. May these lists and heart-preparing days become the way our hearts are attuned to this next season and year.

The deeper things of thankfulness — peace, rest, joy, content hearts — these are not simple words, but ways to live. So may we give thanks, be thankful and rest in peace, joy and love all the days of our lives.

In what ways can you pause before getting caught up in the season? What would you like to reflect on?

*Photo taken in Arrowhead in fresh snow in 2011.

Article originally appeared on Jenna Lyndsay (
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